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AEV-Energy GmbH

AEV offers installation planning, process technology and equipment for the processing of organic waste materials and the purification of highly contaminated waste water in combination with energy generation.

The core competence is the processing and treatment of: 

  • organic waste from the food industry,
  • municipal waste including the sorting of recyclable materials,
  • residual agricultural materials such as slurry, dung and fodder leftovers, 
  • renewable resources and energy crops.

Our product range focuses on the equipment for anaerobic digesters, gas storage tanks, gas handling facilities, gas compressors, desulphurization and gas flaring as well as for exhaust gas treatment. We plan your system to be a needs-based and highly efficient biomass power plant.

AEV Energy GmbH is an owner-managed company based in Dresden and we have been dealing exclusively with biogas since 1996 and running our own company, AEV Energy GmbH, since 2005.

During this time we:

  • planned, equipped or completely built more than 150 plants 
  • worked in more than 20 countries on 4 continents
  • planned and projected systems from 20 kW to 6,800 kW and built systems from 20 kW to 1,700 kW

We also offer advice and support during construction and the start of operations. 

What we stand for

We supply you with well-proven modular solutions. In doing so, we place value on high-quality, durable equipment components with a low requirement for maintenance. We provide all the planning documentation, the entire processing and energy technology as well as the control systems, and we support you with putting your installation into operation. The continual improvement and optimization of existing and new plants is a fundamental aspect of this.


Protection of the environment and climate as well as providing a reliable energy supply are fundamental tasks for the current generation. Today, it is our responsibility to ensure that our children also benefit from an intact environment that is good to live in. This is our contribution. This is what we take responsibility for. Our name stands behind this philosophy and has done so for many years.


AEV auf der Energy Decentral in Hannover

Neue Stellenausschreibungen

  • Bauzeichner(in) / Konstrukteur(in)
  • Ingenieur(in), Master, Bachelor
  • Master- / Diplomarbeit

Pressemitteilung in der Bauernzeitung

Dresden. Der Bau der ersten Bio-LNG-Tankstelle direkt an einer Biogasanlage kann im oberbayerischen Eggertshofen bei Freising beginnen. Nach einem zähen Genehmigungsverfahren wurde am 24. Februar der Genehmigungsbescheid an Anlagenbetreiber Michael Pellmeyer übergeben.

Mitglied im:


AEV Energy GmbH
Hohendölzschener Str. 1a
01187 Dresden

+49 (0) 351 / 467 1301

+49 (0) 160 / 906 74527

Büro Regensburg

AEV Energy GmbH
Franziskanerplatz 8
93059 Regensburg

+49 (0) 941 / 897 9670

Copyright 2025. All Rights Reserved.
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